Joel turned 2 on Monday. I know it sounds cliche to say "I can't believe how big he is" or even "Wow, where has time gone?" Seriously though, I'm really not ready for him to be so big. Sometimes I have moments when I want to keep him just the way he is right now, but at the same time, I love watching him grow up. I love every new step he takes and every new thing he accomplishes.
There are a few things he does now that I hope I never forget. I hope I remember the way he kicks his little feet out when he's running. He looks like kind of a goof, but it's so cute. I hope I remember the way he calls every big truck a "tracker" (tractor) or "tah truck" (fire truck). I hope I remember how much he loves his stuffed duck and elephant, "kack kack" and "el-punt".
Obviously there are a lot more things I hope I remember, but I won't keep on. More than all that though, I hope he continues to have the same sweet, sensitive spirit he has now. He may be covered in bruises most of the time from the many tumbles he takes, but he really is very sweet natured; kind of like the man he's named after...
Here are a few pictures from his party on Saturday.