Sunday, January 20, 2008

N - Hairspray, Homer Simpson and Bath Time

Several evenings ago Mary went to the video rental store to get a movie for us to watch together.  She returned with Hairspray.  Yeah, that Hairspray where John Travolta plays a woman!  About 5 minutes into the movie I asked her, "so you were at the store and you thought to yourself 'what movie would Neil really like to watch?  I know Hairspray!'".  It reminded me of when Homer got Marge a bowling ball with "Homer" engraved on it for her birthday!

Joel is really enjoying bath time now.  Mary is usually able to get some really good smiles out of him.  I tried to get a picture of that but Joel kept getting distracted by the flash.


Dana said...

Hey! I just tagged you. Check out my blog for details!

Jana Kay said...

He is so precious!
Yea, I picked a movie out for Travis and me to watch together that ended up having some very um...bad parts (pretty much all of them)!